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A new voyage to the East-Indies in the years 1690 and 1691 : being a full description of the Isles of Maldives, Cicos, Andamants, and the Isle of Ascention; and all the forts and garrisons now in possession of the French, with an account of the customs, manners, and habits of the indians. To which is added a new description of the Canary Islands, Cape Verd, Senegal, and Gambia ... Illustrated with sculptures, together with a new map of the Indies, and another of the Canaries. Done into English from the Paris edition.
Bibliographic information
Authors Duquesne, Abraham
Year 1696
Type Libro
Volumes 1
Physical description
En 8°. Incluye grabados y mapas.
La edición original es francesa: (Relation de voyage et retour des Indes orientales par un garde de la marine, París, 1692). La segunda parte del libro contiene Los viajes del Señor Le Maire a las Islas Canarias, y además una obra anónima (págs. 110 - 128) con el título Relations of the islands and adjacent biblio_places of the rivers of Bresalina, Gambia, Zamenee, St. Domingo, Geve, ...
Some libraries that hold this document
  • The University of British Columbia Library
    Info of the document in this library
    Signature: AW1 .R-972 reel 141:11
    Document number:
    Notes: Microfilmado. Localizado en: Koerner Microforms
  • National Library of Scotland
    Info of the document in this library
    Signature: Mf.98, reel 141, no.11
    Document number:
    Stripecode: ESTC R003453
    Notes: En microfilm. Localizado en: Microform Reading Room (George IV Bridge), Main Catalogue.
  • The Natural History Museum
    Info of the document in this library
    Signature: ROTHCHILD LIB. 60/E
    Document number:
    Notes: Localizado en: TRING
  • Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
    Info of the document in this library
    Signature: T1
    Document number:
    Notes: Localizado en: Travels
Places África - América - Cabo Verde - Canarias
Languages Inglés
Scientific categories Geografía física - Geografía humana - Náutica
Labels Viajes