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A new voyage round the world, describing particularly the isthmus of America several Coast and Islands in the West Indies..., the isle of Guam one of the Ladrones, Mindanao and other Philippine and East-India islands..., the Cape of Good Hope and Santa Hellena : their soil, rivers, harbours, plants, fruits, animals and inhabitants their customs, religion, government, trade ... ; illustrated with particular maps and draughts
Bibliographic information
Authors Dampier, William - James Knapton (Editor)
Year 1697
Type Libro
Edition 2
Number of pages 550
Physical description
Incluye 5 hojas de grabados (4 de ellas plegables).
Some libraries that hold this document
  • Real Biblioteca del Palacio Real
    Info of the document in this library
    Signature: VI/2298
    Document number:
    Stripecode: N° de control: CCPB000161541
    Notes: Encuadernado en pasta. Faltan las páginas 41 y 42.
  • Bibliothèque Nationale de France
    Info of the document in this library
    Signature: P ANGRAND- 838
    Document number:
    Stripecode: FRBNF30297323
    Notes: Localizado en:Tolbiac - Rez-de-jardin - magasin / Philosophie, histoire, sciences de l'homme<br />
Places América - Asia - Canarias
Languages Inglés
Scientific categories Geografía física - Geografía humana - Historia - Náutica
Labels Siglo XVII - Viajes