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An historical account of the embassy to the Emperor of China, undertaken by order of the King of Great Britain; including the manners and customs of the inhabitants; and preceded by an account of the causes of the embassy and voyage to China. Abridged principally from the papers of Earl Macartney, as compiled by Sir George Staunton, bart.
Bibliographic information
Authors Staunton, George Leonard
Year 1797
Type Libro
Number of pages 475
Physical description
Incluye grabados y mapas, 22 cm.
Some libraries that hold this document
  • University of Oxford - Bodleian Library
    Info of the document in this library
    Signature: 20659 e.64
    Document number:
    Availability: Disponible.No prestable
    Notes: Localizado en: BOD Bookstack
  • Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
    Info of the document in this library
    Signature: 23 885,
    Document number:
    Availability: Disponible
    Notes: Localizado en: Bibliothèque Centrale
Places Asia
Languages Inglés
Scientific categories Geografía física - Geografía humana - Náutica
Labels Descripción - Viajes