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A new voyage to the East-Indies in the years 1690 and 1691, by monsieur Duquesne. To which is added a new description of the Canary Islands, Cape Verd, &c. [by J.J. Le Maire].
Bibliographic information
Authors Duquesne, Abraham - Le Maire, Jacques Joseph
Year 1696
Type Libro
Some libraries that hold this document
  • University of Oxford - Bodleian Library
    Info of the document in this library
    Signature: 80 S 60 Jur.
    Document number:
    Availability: Disponible. No prestable
    Notes: Localizado en: BOD Bookstack
Places Cabo Verde - Canarias
Languages Inglés
Scientific categories Geografía física - Náutica
Labels Descripción - Viajes