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Madeira, Canary Islands and Azores ; A practical and complete guide for the use of tourists and invalids with twenty-two coloured maps and plans and numerous sectional and other diagrams.
Bibliographic information
Authors Brown, Alfred Samler
Year 1913
Type Libro
Physical description
Incluye mapas en color y planos.
Some libraries that hold this document
  • Biblioteca Simón Benítez Padilla
    Info of the document in this library
    Signature: SBP C3-307
    Document number:
    Stripecode: 1000466
    Availability: No prestable
    Notes: Localizado en: Fondo Canario
Places Azores - Canarias - Madeira
Languages Inglés
Scientific categories Geografía física - Medicina
Labels Climatología - Guías para visitantes - Recurso de salud