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A voyage to China and the East Indies to which are added A faunula and flora sinensis : in two volumes / by Peter Osbeck ; Together with A voyage to Suratte / by Olof Torren ; and An account of the chinese husbandry / by Captain Charles Gustavus Eckeberg.
Bibliographic information
Authors Benjamin White (Editor) - John Reinhold Forster (Traductor) - Osbeck, Peter
Year 1771
Type Libro
Volumes 2
Physical description
Incluye ilustraciones, 21 cm.
Antes de llegar a China, Osbeck viajó por España, visitó las Canarias y Java, lugares que describe detalladamente
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Places Asia - Canarias - España
Languages Inglés
Scientific categories Geografía física - Náutica
Labels Descripción - Viajes