Fundación Canaria Orotava
de Historia de la Ciencia

Great books 22. Rabelais. Gargantua and Pantagruel
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 23. Erasmus - Montaigne. Praise of Folly - The Essays
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 24. Shakespeare I. The plays and sonnets
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 25. Shakespeare II. The plays and sonnets
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 26. Gilbert - Galileo - Harvey. On the Loadstone and Magnetic bodies - Concerning the Two New Sciences - On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals. On the Circulation of the Blood. On the Generation of Animals
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 27. Cervantes. The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 28. Bacon - Descartes - Spinoza. Advancement of Learning. Novum Organum. New Atlantis - Rules for the Direction of the Mind. Discourse on the Method. Meditations on First philosophy. Objections against the Meditations and Replies. The Geometry - Ethics
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 29. Milton. English minor poems. Paradise lost. Samson agonistes. Areopagitica
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 3. Homer. The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 30. Pascal. The Provincial Letters. Pensées. Scientific Treatises
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 31. Molière - Racine. The School for Wives. The Critique of the School for Wives. Tartuffe. Don Juan. The Miser. The Would-be Gentleman. The Would-Be Invalid - Berenice. Phaedra
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 32. Newton - Huygens. Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. Optics - Treatise on Light
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 33. Locke - Berkeley - Hume. A Letter Concerning Toleration. Concerning Civil Government, Second Essay. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding - The Principles of Human Knowledge - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 34. Swift - Voltaire - Diderot. Gulliver's Travels - Candide - Rameau's Nephew
Adler, Mortimer J.
Great books 35. Montesquieu - Rousseau. The Spirit of Laws - On the Origin of Ineguality. On Political Economy. The Social Contract
Adler, Mortimer J.